History Behind Sheavon Beauty

My daughter Christina has really bad eczema and no products seem to work on her delicate skin. The only things that seem to work for a while was harsh chemical loaded products but they began to thin her skin out and do a reverse affect leaving her in worst stages then before by leaving very thick scarring patches on her skin.
So a mother has to do what a mother has to do! After doing tons of research I created a special All Natural Non GMO cream that added and sealed in moisture, evened her skin tone and slowed down her rapid breakouts while smoothing out scars. It's a hard battle watching your love one suffer in teary eyed pain that does not go away. She no longer has to suffer from this skin condition with the cream that was created. Since then I have been working my hardest non stop to provide handmade All Natural products that get you result without the use of chemicals and are also animal cruelty free. I vow to create natural beauty and wellness products that not only leave you looking more beautiful but also products where your body can soak up all the vitamins and minerals that each ingredient provides.
Peace and Blessings- Sheavon